The Wow Moments for this week are below. Well done to everyone involved.


  • We have had a fantastic couple of days of Year 6 into 7 transition this week.  The students have been excellent and we are very excited for them to join us.

  • Our primary children have all enjoyed a day with their new teachers today, the students have taken to this really well and hopefully all had a good day.

  • Our prefects have been an amazing support to our new year 7 starters this week and to parents at transition evening.  Well done to them, an absolute credit to our school.

  • The choir performed at the cenotaph in Blackpool at the weekend for Armed Forces Day.  They all represented the academy incredibly well (despite the weather!).

  • Our new reading club for secondary students is extremely popular and is at capacity.  The students have read 12 chapters of their book in two weeks!