The Wow Moments for this week are below. Well done to everyone involved.


  • We received an email from one of the external providers that we use this week. They were very complimentary about our Y10 boys group on their recent Manchester visit. They commented on their “impeccable manners and mature conduct.” Our students asked thoughtful questions and used their initiative. They even cleared their table at lunchtime, which “completely destroys the stereotype of 15 year old boys. They have been an absolute joy this year.” What a lovely compliment to receive! We are extremely proud of you all - well done!

  • Year 9 and 10 for their behaviour and enthusiasm at the Imperial War Museum.

  • Alexis O’G for her work on binary and denary numbers in computer science.

  • The students and staff who attended the London trip the week before last. All students were extremely well behaved and respectful. A lot was crammed into the two days and everyone involved took a lot of valuable experiences from the trip. The staff team were proud of all our students from Y5 - Y10, they were amazing ambassadors of our school!

  • Y10 visit to Blackpool & Fylde College - Our students demonstrated their use of the manners and etiquette standards as delivered through our Behaviour Curriculum.

  • Congratulations to Harli H, Daisy H, Jayden F, Adele M, Mia T, Stuart F who have all won 1st place in their recent Morris dancing competition.