In each year there are some extraordinary students of RE. These young people are identified as Triple A;

Able Aspiring students with Aptitude


A group of these Triple A's, (seen above), arranged a trip to the Hindu Mandir in Preston. Dr Vas of the Fylde Coast Hindu Society helped us to organise the visit. 



Students from Yr 6 to Yr 9, selected by their Triple A peers, travelled to the Gujarat Hindu Society. Mr Patel spoke to the group first. His talk was very challenging, exploring some of the most complex ideas of Hinduism. He was very impressed with the quality of questions from Unity students (so were we!)



 We then explored the Temple itself. The art work on the ceiling, illustrating the key stories from Hindu scriptures, we're stunning and informative at the same time. Mr Patel and Dr Vas answered student questions and explained the symbolism  of the shrines and statues.

Dr Vas and his wife had very kindly provided Indian snack. Most of us were brave enough to try them all.
Watch this space for Big Ideas in 140 characters - Triple A response to the Living Hinduism.