Wow Moments in School this Week (All Parents/ Carers)
The Wow Moments for this week are below. Well done to everyone involved.

  • Dara for her wonderful creative writing work.
  • Jasmine H Yr 5 for taking a leadership role on  a DT project.
  • Yr10 successfully completed half a term on the Compass Curriculum.
  • 9U for their brilliant work in textiles.
  • Evi-Mai T Yr11 for promoting our core value of RESPECT amongst younger children.
  • George Y Yr 11 for being proactive in RESPECTING our school environment.
  • 8T for their participation and interesting discussion in PD.
  • Year 4 took part in Roman Day this week. They created mosaics, enjoyed a Roman banquet, dressed up in fabulous costumes, and even wore laurel wreaths. The highlight was learning Roman soldier formation marching!