The Wow Moments for this week are below. Well done to everyone involved.
Mr. Cottom’s Y9 class were all very engaged this week as they made gargoyles out of clay.
Year 10 visited the Sixth Form this week as part of the transition work, they had a great day.
Year 1 ran a beach themed assembly for parents this week. Thank you to the parents who attended and well done to the children involved.
In a demonstration of our challenging and progressive curriculum, Year 5 put on a performance of Shakespeare’s ‘A Midsummer Night's Dream’ this week. I am always amazed by how well the children perform such a complicated play.
Some of our primary children visited Armfield Academy this week for an MFL event - they really enjoyed it and demonstrated our Ready, Respectful, Safe (RRS) values really well.
3HB and 3LC visited Showtown this week. Another example of students really demonstrating RRS through excellent behaviour and attitude.