RKS Fallon  For joining in well in all of our lessons.
1NR Logan  For full marks in his Maths assessment! 10/10!
1JB Amy  For gaining confidence in class and showing us what an amazing personality she has!
2HWe Junior  For working hard in Maths and gaining confidence when finding fractions of amounts
2CB Kaiden 

Showing resilience when things went wrong as he was completing the egg drop challenge

3KG Caiden  For putting 100% effort into his writing!
3CBl Riley  Contributing well in lessons and sharing his ideas with others
4GH Gilbert  for his positive attitude to all his learning.
4JP Callum For his resilience and effort with his reading and improving his reading age by 2 years and 1 month!


For perseverance, determination and always working hard.
5NP Tillie  Showing great confidence during our guided reading lessons.
6VA Aleena  A fantastic Egg Drop story
6TT Daniel L Superb effort in PE
6ZM Oliva M Wonderful victorian toy homework and fabulous work in class